A total of 10 schools in the Balearic Islands have taken part in the Tutorías Teatrales programme this academic year 2022-2023.

Jun 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The aim of this programme, a pioneer in Spain, is to promote contemporary playwriting and bring teenagers closer to the performing arts.

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Tutorías Teatrales programme

Palma’s Teatro Principal and the Regional Ministry of Education and Vocational Training have closed the Tutorías Teatrales (Theatre Tutorials) programme for the 2022-2023 academic year with several events, aimed at teachers, and with theatrical performances open to the general public.

Eighteen groups from ten schools (nine from Mallorca and one from Menorca) took part in the closing event, which took place last week: IES Baltasar Porcel (Andratx), IES Joan Maria Thomàs (Palma), IES Josep Maria Llompart (Palma), IES Josep Maria Quadrado (Ciutadella), IES Madina Mayurqa (Palma), IES Mossèn Alcover (Manacor), IES Port d’Alcúdia (Alcúdia), IES Santa Maria (Santa Maria), IES Son Cladera (Palma) and IES Son Pacs (Palma).

This is the third year in which this programme has been carried out with the main objective of bringing the theatrical experience to children and young people with the help of theatre professionals. The plays performed have been written especially for this course and the authors themselves have tutored the experience.

Four secondary schools, representing all the participating centres, performed at Palma’s Teatro Principal on the 21st and 22nd of June at the closing ceremony of the Tutorías Teatrales (Theatre Tutorials) programme:

IES Josep Maria Quadrado, with the play Les marginades, by Marina Collado.
CEIP Vora Mar, with the play La promesa d’Olurombi, by Victor Uwagba.
IES Josep Maria Llompart, with the play La jerarquia de l’amor.
To encourage playwriting among students

The Tutorías Teatrales programme is aimed at primary and secondary schools, and each year it has an increasing number of participants. In the 2022-2023 academic year, 18 groups from secondary schools took part, and for the next edition, 26 groups from Mallorca have already been selected, with the incorporation, for the first time, of 5 primary schools.

The authors who have been selected to write the works for next year are Gemma Marchena, Clara Ingold and Juan Manuel Palacios.

As a novelty, and following the same scheme, the Dance Tutorials programme will be organised for the first time next year.

The Teatro Principal de Palma and Education want to promote contemporary playwriting and bring teenagers closer to the performing arts with this programme, which is unique in Spain (only the National Theatre of Catalonia has a similar project) and is one of the few in Europe that allows living contemporary authors to work side by side with students.