Mobility and Infrastructures announces the completion of work on the Camí Salard civic road and cycle lane in the Balearic Islands

Jun 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The intervention consisted of the construction of a new civic road and a cycle lane, both segregated, to connect the road from the Rafal Nou neighbourhood with the camí Vell de Sineu roundabout on foot or by bicycle.

Camí Salard

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Iván Sevillano, conseller en funcions de Mobilitat i Infraestructures: “We must remember that this work was a historical demand of the neighbours of the area”.

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructures today announced the completion of the Camí Salard works, an intervention whose objective was to connect the Rafal Nou neighbourhood with the camí Vell de Sineu roundabout (Ma-3011) on foot and by bicycle via a new civic road and cycle lane, both of which are separated from the road.

The acting councillor for Mobility and Infrastructures, Iván Sevillano, recalled that “this work was a historic demand of the residents of the area. At the beginning of the legislature we committed ourselves to carrying out this important intervention, which for many years people had been asking the different political representatives for with little success. That is why it is a real pleasure that, not only were they heard, but that we have attended to all their requests and we have kept our word. This is an essential work to promote sustainable mobility and beautify a lane that had historically been forgotten; it needed a doctor’s hand and we have given it to them. And we are proud to have been able to conclude the legislature with this work done”.
Specifically, a series of actions have been carried out around camí Salard to improve the flow of vehicles and reduce the environmental impact as much as possible. The exit radius of the Rafal Nou and camí Vell de Sineu roundabouts has been rectified to improve traffic on the inner lanes, which are very saturated at rush hour. In addition, a specific direct access lane has been created at the southern roundabout on camí Salard from the Ma-3011, to improve the connection and reduce congestion. And 68 trees have also been planted, all of them of the fruitless mulberry species, to prevent the pavements from getting dirty and because of their suitability to the environment and their low water demand. They are arranged in line with the layout of the new pavement.