Start-up of new public transport service lines from Monday 26th June 2023, in Menorca

Jun 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

As usual, as of 26th June, some of the lines with typical tourist destinations are put into operation and at the same time, the timetables of some of the lines that operate all year round are changed.

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New public transport service lines

Thus, last Monday, line 24 (Mahón – Cala Llonga – Es Murtar – Sa Mesquida) came into operation with 4 daily departures, allowing users to use this means of transport to reach the beach of Sa Mesquida, given the stop that has been set up in the vicinity of the beach. The other line that is coming into operation is the L25 (Maó – Sant Lluís – Trebalúger – Es Castell). This line runs a circular route between the municipalities of Maó, Sant Lluís and Es Castell with 4 daily departures.

Both lines will remain in operation until 10 September.

The other novelty concerns the change to the timetables of some of the regular lines. The most important changes are those affecting lines 33 (Cala en Porter – Alaior) with special timetables for market days in Alaior and the incorporation, since last summer, of two new stops (on the beach and on the central avenue) and the L94 (Maó – Sant Lluís – Binisafúller – Binibèquer), as they adapt their frequencies to the more summery needs of the people using the services.

All this information can be consulted on the website.