The Consell de Mallorca joins in the LGTBI Pride Day celebrations

Jun 29, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The acting president of the Consell de Mallorca, Catalina Cladera, the acting councillor of the Presidency, Javier de Juan, and the interim island director of Equality and Diversity, Rosa Cursach, and other members of the corporation representing PSOE, MÉS per Mallorca, Podemos and the PP have joined the LGTBI Pride day, this 28th of June. The president of Ben Amics, Víctor Robles, also attended.

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LGTBI Pride Day celebrations

Since it took over in 2019, the island institution has carried out actions aimed at normalising this group and giving it visibility to prevent sexist aggressions and discrimination. At the end of 2020, the SAI (Comprehensive Care Service) was created with the aim of responding to the mandates of the Constitution and the Statute, which, by means of regulations, have been approved in recent years at state and regional level and are aimed at promoting the free development of gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersexual and transgender people, and ensuring that they can enjoy the same rights as the rest of the population.

Cladera highlighted the advances in resources and services achieved in recent years, “but there is still work to be done”. The acting president regretted the suicide of the 15-year-old LGTBI girl and the assaults on two young people by their relatives for not accepting their sexual orientation.

The acting president of the Consell de Catalunya stressed that progress in LGTBI policies “is the path we have to take in a state of law and in a democracy”, she said. Subsequently, she expressed her concern that the Parliament of the Balearic Islands has refused to put up the rainbow flag, just as they have done to other local councils that have also eliminated councillors for Equality and Diversity. “It is a threat that grows every day where the right and the extreme right govern. We are concerned that rights could be rolled back, and we will be vigilant to ensure that this does not happen”.