Environment adapts forest fire risk alerts to state regulations in the Balearic Islands

Jun 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Four levels of alert have been established, which are updated daily and will mark the use of fire or the burning of plant remains that may be used.

The Forest Management Service of the Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory has updated the regulations on the use of fire to adapt them to state regulations. From this Wednesday, the website alertafoc.caib.es will publish, daily and throughout the year, maps with the alert levels for the meteorological risk of forest fires on the different islands. The maps will also be disseminated on days of special risk through the social networks of the Institut Balear de la Natura (IBANAT).

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Forest fire risk alerts

The different levels will be established according to the information and warnings published by the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) and the danger analysis carried out by the Forest Management Service and the Forest Fire Communications Centre. The alerts are divided into:

  • Fire Alert 1: Low meteorological risk of a forest fire from AEMET, and without warnings for adverse meteorological phenomena.
  • Fire Alert 2: Meteorological risk of a moderate or high forest fire from AEMET, and without warnings due to adverse meteorological phenomena.
  • Fire Alert 3: Formal activation of warnings for adverse meteorological phenomena (winds, maximum temperatures, heat waves and/or storms), regardless of the AEMET forest fire risk, or when there are unique circumstances based on the hazard analysis.
  • Fire Alert 4: Very high or extreme meteorological risk of forest fire, or when there are unique circumstances from the hazard analysis, regardless of the existence of warnings for adverse meteorological phenomena applicable to the alert level.

Thus, authorisations granted for burning will be suspended in alert 3, when adverse meteorological phenomena are declared. Likewise, in alert 4, fires will be suspended, in addition to being prohibited in any open space, also in addition to 500 metres of forest land when this level is declared. This means that fires may not be lit in the rest areas of the road network, as well as in recreational and camping areas, including areas designated for this purpose, the use of pyrotechnic material and the use of machinery and equipment that generate deflagration, sparks or electrical discharges in forest land and rural areas located in a strip of 400 metres around them. Likewise, it is forbidden to throw or abandon burning objects or any type of material that could cause a fire.

The danger maps will be updated on a territorial basis, by region or island. Thus, in Mallorca, there are four comarcas: Tramuntana-Sur, Tramuntana-Nord, Llevant and Pla y Migjorn. For Eivissa, Menorca and Formentera, the comarcas will coincide with the entire island.