The Health Service has recruited a total of 1,742 workers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to tackle the health crisis.

Jun 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

These recruitments have been carried out with European REACT-EU funds.

The Health Service has recruited a total of 1,742 workers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to tackle the health crisis. This increase in the recruitment of health professionals – which has involved an overall expenditure of €18,178,599.70 – has been made to reinforce the workforce and support all the teams working on a regular basis.

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Health Service

These recruitments have been financed 100% with European funds. The incorporation of the additional funds from the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and Territories in Europe (REACT-EU) is crucial to help better manage the economic effects of the COVID-19 health crisis and thus to progressively favour access to essential services as widely as possible and the reactivation of economic activity, which has allowed financing part of the expenditure of the health response measures.

Of the overall expenditure of €18.1m, €4,029,321.05 has been earmarked to recruit professionals in 2020 and €14,149,278.65 to recruit them during 2021. By health categories, those in which the number of new hires has increased the most are nurses (774 professionals) and specialist technicians (631 professionals), which represents 80% of the total number of staff with which the health professional workforce has been reinforced. This is followed by the categories of health technician, administrative assistant and driver. In terms of specialist area doctors, 19 have been recruited.

The REACT-EU funds have financed additional health personnel costs to reinforce the response capacity to the public health crisis, including the recruitment of health and social-health personnel such as doctors, nurses, health technicians and auxiliaries to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and who have been recruited specifically for this purpose.