Luis Alba Posada, manager of Funeraria Lloseta “Our priority is quality and service to families”.

Jul 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

From Funeraria Lloseta we interviewed Luis Alba Posada. This Leonese by birth is a Mallorcan at heart. His love for Mallorca is amply demonstrated by Xisca Cañellas, who has been his life partner for two decades.

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Luis Alba Posada

He works in one of the most unknown sectors. That is why we have learned from his interview that humanity exists and that there are still empathetic and honest people in a sector that tends towards monopolies.

1 Rosa Canva rotary 2023 07 02T120816.639 min 1

How did Luis Alba Posada begin his career in the world of funeral parlours?
My arrival in this world was by chance. I started my professional career as the first official in ironwork and welding. An injury to my foot made me change my occupation. I did an orderly course and started working in a funeral parlour. I acquired experience and different knowledge focused on thanatopraxy in 2016 I started Funeraria Lloseta.

Do you think that experience in your sector is essential to provide a better service to families?
I think it is very important. At Funeraria Lloseta we have almost 20 years of experience. So we have focused on offering a unique quality of service.

By unique we mean that we try to help families at all times. Making the process easier, faster and cheaper.

Respect, empathy, quality and savings define Funeraria Lloseta, what other aspects would Luis Alba Posada highlight?

Within this delicate moment for families, we would highlight the different aspects:
24-hour assistance. You can reach me by phone on 638 25 13 72
Personalised service. I am responsible for the whole process, I empathise with the families and I am in charge of the whole process from the beginning to the burial. So they always have a familiar face to turn to 24 hours a day.

We speed up the process. We try to complete the process as quickly as possible. The weekend is usually a time when this intangible value is most noticeable.
We only work with Spanish companies. We promote the national economy.
Sustainable products
Fair prices. By this, we mean that we only provide the services that the client needs, which influences their savings.
Confidentiality and discretion

1 Rosa Canva rotary 2023 07 09T102925.833 min 1

What do you recommend at such a delicate time?

At Funeraria Lloseta we recommend quality services and fair prices. This means only contracting what you really need.
Luis Alba Posada reminds us that throughout our existence we have made a commitment to families based on respect and honesty.