BOE publishes the call for applications for aid for the production of short films made in 2023

Jul 16, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It has a budget of 800,000 euros, representing an increase of 500,000 euros with respect to the call for 2022.

Call for applications for aid for the production of short films

The Official State Gazette (BOE) has published the 2023 call for applications for aid for the production of short films made by the Ministry of Culture and Sport through the Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA).

The call, aimed at independent production companies, has a budget of 800,000 euros, representing an increase of 500,000 euros compared to 2022.

The maximum grant amount has also increased, from 70,000 euros in 2022 to 100,000 euros in this call, 180,000 euros in the case of an animated film.

Application deadline
The deadline for submitting applications is fifteen days from the day after the publication of the call for applications in the BOE and ends on 4 August at 14:00 hours, peninsular time.

Within thirty days following notification of the Resolution granting the aid, the beneficiary companies must submit the application for recognition of the cost of the short film for which aid has been obtained.

Short films that have been qualified for public screening between 2 January and 30 December 2022, both days inclusive, are eligible for these grants.

The application must be submitted through the Ministry of Culture and Sport’s website.