Employment increases by 463,000 so far this year and daily enrolment remains above the 20.9 million mark

Jul 17, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Social Security enrolment has grown by 463,071 in seasonally adjusted terms in the last seven months (15 December-15 July).

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Employment increases by 463,000

This figure is the highest for this period in the historical series and practically equals the job creation recorded in the whole of 2022. In turn, the increase recorded by the original series (607,184 persons) is the second largest for this period in the series.

Moreover, just over a year after daily enrolment surpassed 20 million employed persons, it is still above 20.9 million. Specifically, daily enrolment has been above this figure from 11 July until the last available day.

With the latest data available, for 15 July, the total number of people enrolled has risen by 1.35 million since the start of the pandemic. In seasonally adjusted terms, the average enrolment observed in the period from mid-June to mid-July was 4,709 higher than the average of the previous two fortnights. In original terms, this change is 13,131 persons.