Llorenç Galmés guarantees that he will work to ensure that every elderly person can access the care resource they need

Jul 17, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president of the Consell de Mallorca has also insisted that he will work to recover face-to-face care and eliminate the digital divide during a visit to the LLar d’Ancians nursing home.

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Llorenç Galmés

“We will work with the Government to reduce the waiting list for care homes and day centres for dependent elderly people, increasing the number of places and thus guaranteeing that everyone has access to the care service they need,” the president of the Consell de Mallorca announced today. This was announced today by the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, during a visit to the Llar d’Ancians residence, accompanied by the councillor of Social Welfare and president of the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS), Guillermo Sánchez, and the vice-president of IMAS, Magdalena García. The residence is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year.

This is the first contact with the centres for the elderly managed by the island institution. During the tour of the facilities, both the president and the councillor took the opportunity to greet and exchange views with professionals and users. “The elderly are our priority, and that is why in this first week in office we wanted to get to know first-hand the day-to-day life of a nursing home and study the improvements needed to guarantee their wellbeing,” said Galmés.

In this sense, he added, “We are now starting the tender for the refurbishment of module D of this residence at the Llar. I have given instructions to the president of IMAS and we will gradually refurbish the rest of the centre’s modules. In addition, we are also beginning the process of extending the electricity network to avoid the inconvenience caused by the power cuts. It is intolerable that this situation has come to this”.

In addition to extending and improving existing residential resources, Galmés stressed that the new government of Mallorca “will also maintain and strengthen the Service of Comprehensive Care at Home (SAID) for those people who do not need to go to a centre and who wish to age at home. We will make it easier for them to enjoy this stage of life close to their loved ones,” and he stressed that “we will also fight to recover the in-person presence and eliminate the digital divide that limits the access of the elderly to information, generates isolation and isolation, affecting their mental health.