On Monday the special bus service to go and see the sunset in Cavalleria will start operating.

Jul 17, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This Monday, 17th July, the special bus service to go and see the sunset in Cavalleria will start running. The service will be run by the company Autos Fornells online “L46: Far de Cavalleria”, and will be in force until the 20th of August in order to decongest the accesses to the lighthouse.

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Special bus service

The service will have two hourly departures from the Cavalleria Beach car park and two return journeys from the lighthouse. The price per journey is 1.5 euros, that is, 3 euros in total if you buy return tickets. The timetables will be adapted as the season progresses, depending on sunlight, and changes will be communicated on the Consell Insular de Menorca’s official public transport information platforms. For the time being, until 30 July, the timetables are as follows:

Monday to Sunday
Parking Playa Caballería car park: 20:00 20:30
Cavalry lighthouse: 20:15 20:45

Lighthouse of Caballería: 21:30 22:00
Cavalry Beach car park: 21:45 22:15

Tickets can be purchased on the bus itself, and online through the company Autos Fornells (https://www.autosfornells.com/ca/tickets/). Information is also available at Mou-t Menorca (http://mou-tmenorca.com/).