The Councillor for the Sea and the Water Cycle assures that the care and protection of the sea must be a common objective for all citizens.

Jul 19, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Lafuente opened the presentation of the Marilles Foundation’s Balearic Blue Pact Project.

The Councillor for the Sea and the Water Cycle, Juan Manuel Lafuente, took part this Tuesday in the event organised by the Marilles Foundation, where the organisation presented its Balearic Blue Pact project. A document to which more than 150 entities and companies have already adhered, was created to adopt measures for marine conservation.

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The care and protection of the sea must be a common objective for all citizens.

Lafuente was in charge of opening the presentation ceremony. In his speech, the councillor for the Sea and Water Cycle assured that the care and protection of the sea must be a common objective for all citizens.

“We have to work together. Civil society, businesses, the economic sector and the administration must work together to conserve and improve the maritime environment. If we are all working in the same direction, only in this way will we succeed,” he said.

The councillor for the Sea and Water Cycle insisted on the joint task of all parties. “If only the administration acts, with the imposition of rules and surveillance activities, we will not achieve the results we hope for,” he said. For this reason, he stated that the department would fight to involve and actively participate in the care of the sea, “it is what makes us economically attractive, without forgetting the residents, seeking a balance so that they can also enjoy themselves,” explained the councillor.