Carlos Raduán, new manager of Primary Care in Mallorca

Jul 20, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director general of the Health Service, Javier Ureña, has appointed Carlos Raduán as the new manager of Primary Care in Mallorca. Carlos Raduán has an extensive career in the field of health management and has held several positions in this Management for a decade. He has in-depth knowledge of the health sector and in particular primary care.

Carlos Raduán

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Since 2015, the new manager of Primary Care has been the medical coordinator of teams in the Primary Care Management of Mallorca. During the years of the pandemic, he was in charge of the coordination of the CC-COVID Central (between March 2020 and June 2023), which centralised the management of patients with coronavirus in primary care in Mallorca. Before his time as a health manager, Carlos Raduán had worked as a family doctor in several health centres in Mallorca, mainly in the CS Santa Ponça (2009-2012) and in the CS Dra. Teresa Piqué (former CS Son Pisà), where he did his residency.

Carlos Raduán has a degree in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and completed his residency as a specialist in family and community medicine at the Mallorca Teaching Unit (2005-2009). He also has specialised training in health economics, economic evaluation and management of services and health economics: in this sense, he has a master’s degree in Health Economics and Medicine from the Pompeu Fabra University (2011-2013).