The Consell de Mallorca commits to protecting and conserving the Closos de Can Gaià

Jul 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Department of Culture and Heritage stresses the importance of making known this settlement to discover how people lived there 3,000 years ago.

The first vice-president and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, has visited today, for the first time, an archaeological site, together with her government team. She has gone to the Closos de Can Gaià, a settlement of more than 3,000 years old located in Felanitx.

Closos de Can Gaià

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Roca has made the visit itinerary, where she has been able to see five navettes, one completely excavated and restored, and several complementary structures, with which you can learn what life was like in the class and how its inhabitants were.

The Councilor of Culture and Heritage has made it clear that the Consell de Mallorca will continue to support projects like these, which have been working for many years, and has stated that “it will help in everything it can so that the excavations have continuity and dissemination”. In the same line, the insular director of Patrimoni, Ramón Francisco Martín, highlighted the value of this archaeological site and stressed “the importance of knowing the cultural heritage of the island to be able to protect it and remember what it was”.

Open day

The director of the site, Tomeu Salvà, thanked the visit of the Department of Culture and Heritage and welcomed the support given to their work. In addition, he also emphasized his desire to make the project known to the public. That is why it has been reported that on Saturday, July 22 will be held an open day at 19.00 hours, which will show all the news of the campaign. Also, during the month of October, it is planned to organize a day of workshops for all ages.

Closos Interpretation Center

The mayor of Felanitx also attended the visit, since the municipality owns the 65,000 square meters occupied by the site. Catalina Soler also celebrated the fact that the first visit to an archaeological site has been made in Felanitx and the involvement of the government team. In addition, she stressed that the goal during these four years is to move towards a small centre of interpretation of the closes and hopes to achieve it with the help of the administrations.