The SAMU061 will reinforce the coordination centre during election day due to the heat wave.

Jul 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The aim is to make available to the public, through the 061 Salut Respon telephone number, the following services

The Regional Ministry of Health will reinforce the SAMU 061 Coordination Center on July 23, on the occasion of the election day, between 9 am and 9 pm, due to the forecast of very high temperatures.

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The Government Delegation and the municipalities of the islands will send to all the polling stations documentation with recommendations to act in case of heat stroke. The objective is to make available to the citizens, by means of the telephone 061 Salut Respon, more sanitary personnel to attend all the consultations that can arise in the polling stations as a consequence of the high temperatures that can be reached throughout the day. Likewise, the Government Delegation has provided SAMU 061 with the exact location of all polling stations in case of any eventuality.

With the aim of facilitating the mobility of people with some kind of functional disability who want to exercise their right to vote in person, the scheduled medical transport will make available to citizens twelve ambulances in the Balearic Islands to transport people who request it.

Heat stroke

Heat stroke is a situation that can be serious, in which the body temperature reaches 40 C and the body cannot effectively reduce it. It is caused by a prolonged stay in very hot environments or by doing intense physical activity when it is very hot.

People most at risk of heat stroke are those over 65 years of age (and more so if they live alone and/or are dependent), babies and young children, people with chronic diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes, obesity…) and/or with certain medications (antidepressants, diuretics, antihypertensives…), workers in hot environments and people who do intense physical exercise in the hottest hours of the day.

It is recognized by the appearance of symptoms such as very high body temperature, red, hot and dry skin, rapid pulse and breathing, ramps, headache, nausea and/or vomiting, drowsiness and very thirst. There may also be confusion, convulsions and loss of consciousness, which is sometimes the first symptom in the elderly.