What is the public offer of employment and who can access it?

Jul 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The public employment offer for this year includes 39,574 vacancies in areas such as the Administration of Justice, the National Police Corps, the Civil Guard or the Armed Forces. All vacancies must be published before December 31, 2023.

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Public offer of employment

The Spanish Constitution establishes that citizens have the right to access the civil service under equal conditions, in accordance with the principles of merit, capacity and publicity.

Based on these precepts, the General State Administration announces public job offers every year that include the necessary positions to guarantee attention to citizens, social and territorial cohesion and the provision of quality public services.

How do I access a position as a public employee?
You must meet the requirements of each call for applications.
Submit the application within the deadline
Pay the corresponding examination fees, except for exemptions: people with disabilities over 33%, job seekers, large families or victims of terrorism.
Pass the selective tests
How can I find out which positions are available?
Public employment announcements are published in the Official State Gazette, on the web pages of the organizing bodies and on the website administración.gob.es.

In addition, the Government produces a weekly bulletin of public employment and professional training tests with the current calls for applications.

How do I apply and within what period of time?
You can find the information about the calls for access to public employment of the General State Administration and its monitoring on the websites of the convening bodies, as well as on the General Access Portal (administración.gob.es).

Applications are preferably submitted electronically through the Selective Tests Registration service of the General Access Point, being necessary to identify and sign through the Cl@ve platform. The interested party may submit the application form, attach documents, pay the examination fees and register electronically.

Paper applications shall be made by electronically filling out the application form in the official model and its subsequent submission at the General Registry of the convener or at the registry assistance offices.

The deadline for submitting the application will be 20 working days from the day following the date of publication of the call for applications in the Official State Gazette.

What are the selection processes like?
Access to public employment is by competitive examination or by competitive examination.

The competitive examination consists of passing one or more exams or eliminatory tests, as established in the call for applications.

In the competitive examination, the applicant, in addition to passing the competitive examination, will have to participate in a competition phase in which his or her merits are assessed: academic, professional experience and seniority in the administration if he or she has already worked there.

The points obtained in the competition phase cannot be used to pass the tests that make up the competitive examination and only help to determine the final grade.

What is internal promotion?
Internal promotion consists of the promotion of a career civil servant from a corps or scale of a professional classification subgroup to another corps or scale of a higher subgroup, or, in the case of permanent employees, promotion to a higher professional category. For this purpose, the corresponding application must be submitted to participate in the process and pass the selective tests.

What is the access shift for people with disabilities?
The calls for the selective tests reserve seven per cent of the positions for people with disabilities who pass the selective process and prove that their disability is compatible with the performance of the required tasks.

Of that seven per cent, two per cent is reserved for people with intellectual disabilities and the remaining five per cent is for people who can prove another type of disability.

What type of public employee will I be if I pass a competitive examination?
In general, you will enter public employment as a career civil servant or permanent employee, depending on the type of tasks to be performed and the regulation that governs them. The type of employee and their conditions are detailed in each call for applications.

Career civil servants: persons who, after passing a selection process, have a legal appointment that recognizes their link to a Public Administration in which they perform paid professional services of a permanent nature, involving direct or indirect participation in the exercise of public powers or in safeguarding the general interest. They have a statutory relationship with the Administration regulated by administrative law.

Permanent labour personnel: persons who, after passing a selection process, by virtue of an employment contract, provide paid services in a Public Administration. Labour personnel are regulated by labour legislation, i.e., by the Workers’ Statute and by the collective bargaining agreements applicable to them according to their contract.

What are the characteristics of the Public Employment Offer for 2023?
The Council of Ministers approved on July 11, 2023, the Public Employment Offer (OEP) corresponding to this year, which includes a total of 39,574 vacancies distributed among the different departments of the General State Administration, the Administration of Justice, the National Police Corps, the Civil Guard and the Armed Forces.

The Official State Gazette published on July 12 the royal decree detailing the offer of vacancies, which will be called throughout the year.

The new features of this call for applications are as follows

the creation of net employment, as it will not be limited to covering the number of personnel lost.
the replacement rate will reach 110% as a general rule; 120% for priority sectors and 125% for the State Security Forces and Corps and regional and local police forces.
the new services resulting from the modernization of public administrations will be provided with sufficient personnel to meet the needs of the new services.
temporary employment must remain below 8% in ministerial departments.
the attraction of talent will be favoured in order to incorporate people with extraordinary performance and a great capacity for work.
mechanisms will be encouraged so that public employees who wish to change their position can participate in internal promotion calls. These positions may be called together with the ordinary new entry positions or preferably by means of an independent call for applications.

77% of the vacancies will be offered to attend to essential services -such as health, justice or the promotion of culture-, guarantee social cohesion and equal opportunities and promote innovation and digitalization.
an additional fee is included with 1,025 places corresponding to the Social Security to manage the Minimum Vital Income.

When can I apply for the 2023 public employment offer?
Information on the calls for applications will be published in the Official State Gazette, on institutional websites and on the Administration’s General Access Portal. All calls for applications must be published before December 31, 2023.

How long will the selection process last?
The selection bodies will publish an indicative schedule with the dates of the different tests of the selection processes.

In the case of career civil servants, the competitive examination phase will have a maximum of four tests. The first exercise will be carried out within a maximum period of three months from the date of the call in the Official State Gazette. No more than 45 calendar days may elapse between the final conclusion of one exercise and the beginning of the next. The entire competitive examination phase will have a maximum duration of nine months and the entire selective process must be completed within two years from the date of the call for applications.

The calls for labor personnel shall be governed by their specific regulations, although the same rules of speed and agility shall apply.