Sixteen family and community nursing residents have completed their training in Mallorca.

Jul 23, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Currently, the Multiprofessional Teaching Unit of Family and Community Care is the second with more nursing residents in Spain.

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Sixteen family and community nursing residents

Sixteen family and community nursing residents have completed their training in Mallorca and have participated today in the graduation ceremony, held in the Can Campaner space. The ceremony was attended by the general director of the Health Service, Javier Ureña; the general director of Health Research, Training and Accreditation, Vicenç Juan Verger; the manager of Primary Care of Mallorca, Carlos Raduán; and the head of studies and the president of the Nursing Teaching Subcommittee of the Multiprofessional Teaching Unit of Family and Community Care, Maria Albaladejo and Raquel Muñoz, respectively. Once the presentation was over, the commemorative medals were given to the residents.

During a training period of two years, they have achieved the competencies as family and community nurse specialists through a very demanding training programme in which they have done rotations in different care areas, such as health centres and hospitals, mental health units, the General Directorate of Public Health, SAMU 061, palliative care units, paediatrics, the Women’s Health Unit, etc. In addition, they have passed a theoretical-practical programme with skills related to research, communication, professional ethics, care for chronic illness, etc., in order to be able to offer users and the community care based on the best possible quality and safety.

The Multiprofessional Teaching Unit for Family and Community Care in Primary Care in Mallorca received accreditation from the Ministry of Health for the training of specialists in family and community nursing in 2011. Initially, between two and four resident positions were offered. Since then it has progressively increased its teaching capacity to sixteen places this year and the twenty-four proposed for next year.