The Consell de Eivissa will allocate 500,000 euros for the promotion of sports in the municipalities of the island

Jul 24, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Councilor Salvador Losa met today with the sports councillors of the new government teams of the 5 municipalities of the island of Eivissa.

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Consell de Eivissa

The councillor of Presidency, Economic Management and Sports of the Council of Eivissa, Salvador Llosa, and the insular director of Sports, Javier Bonet, have met this morning with the councillors of Sports of the five municipalities of the island to define the main lines of the sports policy of Eivissa in the current legislature.

The councillor announced that the Consell de Eivissa will enable a new line of aid endowed with 500,000 euros (100,000 euros for each council) to encourage sports events as well as aid to sports organizations. “During the last legislature, sports events and clubs were the main pillars in the promotion of sport carried out by the Consell Insular, and we must ensure that events that are organized from the local level and clubs of all municipalities can grow in quality and athletes. The councils are great organizers of sporting events and must have our support in this regard, and clubs must be able to count on the institutions to improve day by day,” explained Losa.

On the other hand, the councillor has announced to the councillors that, in response to the request of the mother of a child player who suffered an accident on a soccer field, the possibility of being able to justify as eligible works by the Plan 5 of municipal cooperation of the Consell dʻEivissa, those relating to the safety of athletes in municipal sports facilities will be enabled.