The Councilor for Enterprise, Employment and Energy guarantees ASIMA’s collaboration with industrial estates

Jul 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Councilor for Enterprise, Employment and Energy, Alejandro Saenz de San Pedro, and the Director General of Industry, Ingrid de la Fuente, met this Monday with the heads of the Association of Industrialists of Mallorca (ASIMA) to collect the main requests and concerns of the sector.

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At the meeting, the councillor conveyed his firm intention to work closely with the industrial estates to strengthen the training of workers, promote renewable energy projects and accelerate the payment of subsidies, in addition to simplifying all administrative processes to help companies.

On behalf of ASIMA, the chairman, Francisco Martorell Esteban, the president, Antoni Monjo, and the vice-president of Can Valero, Juan