Illanvers poetry recital celebrates its coming of age

Jul 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The poetic recital Illanvers comes of age: It will celebrate its eighteenth edition this August. Specifically, it will take place on Friday, August 4, at the Parc des Freginal in Maó, and on Saturday, August 5, at Can Saura in Ciutadella. On both days the event will start at 21:30 hours.

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Illanvers poetry recital

Under the premise of climate change, this event claims greater care of the environment through the different artistic disciplines that comprise it: poetry, music and painting.

This year, the representatives of Menorca will be the poets Joan Rotger Julià and Tomeu Obrador Cursach, along with Maria Galetta. From Ibiza, we will enjoy the voice of Carles Fabregat who, with Sebastià Alzamora and Teresa Pascual, poetic ambassadors of Mallorca and Valencia, respectively, will complete the rhapsody part. In addition, the actress Matilde Muñiz will be in charge of reciting poems by Jaume Vidal Alcover from Manacor, whose one-hundredth birthday is celebrated this year. The act will be rounded off with the brushstrokes of the painter Paca Florit from Ciutadella and the mastery of Pere Arguimbau on the guitar.

In addition, a booklet with the poems of the recital will be published for a more relaxed reading and will be available to the audience at a very affordable price.