Bauzà defends the Orquestra Simfònica de Balears (Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands) as a driving force behind the Tourism-Culture binomial

Jul 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

At the meeting, the progress made in the construction of the new headquarters of the OSIB Foundation, known as the Caja de Música, was discussed.

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Orquestra Simfònica

The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Jaume Bauzà, and the Director General of Culture, Pedro Vidal, met this Wednesday with the chief conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands (OSIB), Pablo Mielgo, to gain first-hand knowledge of the activity of one of Spain’s leading symphony orchestras.

Bauzà assured of the priority involvement of the Regional Ministry in this project, which “exemplifies the importance of the binomial tourism and culture, thanks to its internationalisation”. In fact, one of the objectives of the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is to promote the islands as a destination for cultural tourism and to support the cultural sector. In this context, the OSIB offers an international diffusion of the islands thanks to its artistic quality and projection.

Pablo Mielgo, the titular director of the OSIB, has expressed his satisfaction with the welcome given to the new Government’s Culture team: “Our mission is to make music accessible to everyone”, he remarked.

Music Box

The meeting discussed the progress made in the construction of the new headquarters of the OSIB Foundation, known as the Caja de Música (Music Box). This is a unique project in Europe, “which will be an important milestone for the Balearic Islands to become the main point of reference for the international dissemination of cultural attractions linked to tourism,” Mielgo remarked.

The headquarters of the Illes Balears Symphony Orchestra Foundation is intended to host both the orchestra’s rehearsals and concerts, as well as cultural events with the commitment to generate activities aimed at encouraging the participation of the people of the surrounding neighbourhood and the city’s musical groups.