Marga Prohens announces free education for all children from 0 to 3 years of age from the 2023-2024 academic year

Jul 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The President of the Government, together with the Minister of Education and Universities, met with representatives of public and subsidised education in the Balearic Islands.

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Marga Prohens

She said that the Government is already working on the extension of free education in the first (0-1) and second (1-2) years of Infant Education for the next academic year.

The President of the Government, Marga Prohens, and the Councillor for Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, met today with representatives of associations, entities and trade unions of the educational community to inform them of the main new developments planned for the next school year 2023-2024, among which she announced, in addition to the suspension of the current system of evaluation and grading by the recovery of numerical grades, the extension of free education for the entire educational stage from 0 to 3 years in the Balearic Islands.

In this way, as Prohens told the educational community and later in statements to the media, the Govern is already working and is in a position to announce that the entire stage will be free, extending it from the third year of Infant Education (2-3) to the first year (0-1) and second year (1-2) in public schools, the complementary network and all those that wish to join, complying with the established conditions. “It is a commitment in our government programme that we are also going to fulfil”, stressed the President of the Govern, who reported that in the coming weeks the Minister of Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, will meet with local councils on the islands, island councils and the 0-3 education sector to finalise the details of this measure.

In addition to this new development, the president also informed the educational community, as announced at the last Consell de Govern, of the draft resolution of the councillor for the suspension of the current evaluation and grading system derived from the Organic Law for the Improvement of the Organic Law on Education (LOMLOE), for the recovery of numerical grades, with the aim of making it easier for families to monitor their children’s academic progress and taking bureaucratic tasks away from teachers, as well as the work being done to improve certain educational infrastructures for the next academic year, and the start of drawing up an air-conditioning plan for the islands’ educational centres.

Prohens gave a positive assessment of this first meeting with representatives of public and state-subsidised education on the islands, pointing out the importance of “fluid communication with the sector” and of her willingness “to inform and listen to the educational community in all those educational policies in which she is making progress” and of her commitment, expressed in the investiture debate, to maintain those labour agreements reached at the sectoral table.

The meeting was attended by STEI Intersindical, ANPE, UOB Enseñanza, FeSP-UGT, FE-CCOO, SIAU, CSIF, CEIB, CECE, FEIPIMEB, UCTAIB, FSIE, CONFAECIB, COAPA Baleares, FAPA Mallorca, FAIB-CONCAPA, Junta de Personal Docente no Universitario de Mallorca (STEI), Sindicato Alternativa and USO.