Audience between the King and the President of the Balearic Islands at the Almudaina Palace

Jul 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

King Felipe VI received, at the Royal Palace of La Almudaina, the president of the Balearic Islands, Margarita Prohens Rigo, as part of the meetings with representatives of the Balearic institutions at the beginning of the summer stay of the Royal Family in Palma.


This has been the first meeting of the King with President Prohens.

President Marga Prohens has told the King the objectives, challenges and projects of her Executive for the next four years in an audience that has been “very cordial and has been developed with a relaxed tone”.

This is how the regional president expressed herself in declarations to the media after the meeting with Don Felipe. She also thanked the monarch for “choosing Mallorca to spend a few days of rest”.

The Monarch received in the audience Gabriel Le Senne, president of the regional Parliament, at 10.45 am. At 11.30 a.m. was the audience with Jaime Martinez, mayor of Palma.

At 12.15 h has been the audience with Llorenç Galmés, president of the Consell de Mallorca.