Operation Crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar exceeds one million passengers

Jul 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The ports of the Bay of Algeciras (Cadiz) concentrate 70.9 % of the outgoing traffic on the lines linking with Tangier and Ceuta. Coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior, the Operation Crossing of the Strait has a security device made up of more than 19,000 agents.

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Operation Crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar

The Strait Crossing Operation, coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior through the General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies, has exceeded between June 15 and July 26 the million passengers. Specifically, 1,020,606 citizens have crossed from Spain to North Africa during this period, which is 6.1 % more than in 2022. The number of vehicles embarked amounted to 246,694, 7 % higher than the previous year’s figure.

The ports of Algeciras, Tarifa, Malaga, Motril, Almeria, Alicante, Valencia, Ceuta and Melilla are participating in Operation Crossing the Strait. In the Departure Phase, the ports of the Bay of Algeciras, in Cadiz, are the ones that concentrate the highest volume of traffic, 70.9% of the total. From Algeciras, 60.1 % of the vehicles have departed and from Tarifa 10.8 %. On the other side of the Strait, the ports receiving the highest volume of vehicles are those of Tangier-Med (43.3 %), Tangier Ville (10.8 %) and Ceuta (17.4 %).

On the other hand, 123,957 citizens have already returned to Spain from North Africa, 9.6% more than on the same date in 2022. During this period, citizens who have passed through Spanish ports have been provided with health and social assistance when required. So far, 660 health and 2,234 social services have been provided.

Intense influx during the weekend
The next 29th, 30th and 31st of July and 1st of August are contemplated in the Special Plan as one of the periods of greatest affluence and traffic of people in this Exit Phase.

During the days considered critical, the Special Plan establishes a series of additional measures, such as the interchangeability of tickets, which will help to speed up the boarding of passengers as much as possible. In any case, Civil Protection and Emergencies insist on the need for travellers to come with the ticket purchased to facilitate the management of the ports. In addition, it is recommended to plan with time the displacements by the highways that converge in Algeciras and, if possible, to use alternative routes.

In the Return Phase, the largest crowds are expected to occur on August 29, 30 and 31 and September 1.

19,000 agents will ensure the safety of the operation.
The Ministry of the Interior is coordinating this 34th edition of Operation Crossing the Strait, which will last until September 15, an operation in which numerous agencies and institutions are participating, such as the State Ports and the Directorate General of the Merchant Marine, belonging to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda; the Directorate General of Traffic, of the Ministry of the Interior; the State Meteorological Agency, of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge; the Directorate General of Public Health of the Ministry of Health; and the Red Cross, among others.

In order to guarantee the safe and smooth development of Operation Crossing the Strait 2023, the Ministry of the Interior has deployed a security device made up of more than 19,000 agents of the State Security Forces and Corps.

Another fundamental aspect to ensure the safety of citizens and which is included in the plan designed for the Strait Crossing Operation are the measures aimed at the prevention and protection of public health.