President Galmés conveys to King Felipe VI the need to achieve responsible and sustainable tourism for Mallorca

Jul 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The highest figure of the Consell de Mallorca has been received in audience by the monarch at the Royal Palace of the Almudaina

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President Galmés

Llorenç Galmés has held today the first meeting as president of the Consell de Mallorca with King Felipe VI at the Royal Palace of the Almudaina.
A meeting where the president of the insular institution conveyed enthusiasm and the desire to work with the new government team, while he exposed the challenges facing Mallorca.

One of the main ones is to achieve, through dialogue and consensus, responsible and sustainable tourism, in coexistence with an island that has a unique landscape and great environmental value for the Mallorcan people.

Galmés has informed Felipe VI that his commitment is to support the main economic engine of Mallorca and has shown his gratitude for being the best ambassador of the island, carrying the name of Mallorca around the world.

In this line, Galmés stressed that the Consell de Mallorca will work to strengthen the trinomial tourism, culture and sports, in order to attract quality tourism and extend the season. Precisely, Llorenç Galmés has pointed out that the nautical sector is key to achieving it.

Finally, the island president has let Felipe VI know that his goal is to “protect and care for the qualities and values that make this island a wonderful place to live, at the same time that it is a wonderful place to visit”.