The Public Safety Institute of the Balearic Islands (ISPIB) and the Security Service of the CAIB (SSCAIB) now have two new vehicles.

Jul 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Institute of Public Safety of the Balearic Islands (ISPIB) and the Security Service of the CAIB (SSCAIB) already have two new vehicles. They are two new Hyundai Kona that will serve both ISPIB and SSCAIB, both attached to the Directorate General of Emergencies and Interior.

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The ceremony took place at the premises of the General Directorate in Es Pinaret, in Pont d’Inca, and was attended by the Director General of Emergencies and Interior, Sebastià Sureda Mas; the head of the Interior Department, Margarita Ginard Verger; the coordinator of SSCAIB, Víctor de Quiroga Bouzo; the head of section of the ISPIB, Llucia Pons Calle, and the representative of Proa Automoción, Francisco Carreras, the company awarded the contract.

The incorporation of these two new vehicles will facilitate the tasks of both the Institute of Public Safety of the Balearic Islands, which is responsible for coordinating and advising the local police of the islands, participating in their training and managing such emblematic programs in the field of public safety in our community as the police tutor or road safety education. As the Security Service of the CAIB whose task is to guard the buildings and facilities of the Government.