The IMAS finalises a new edition of the Raixa 2022 training and employment project, aimed at people with functional diversity

Jul 29, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The course, financed by the SOIB, combines a specific didactic part with paid work and aims to provide access to the labour market with equal opportunities.

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The Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS), through its area of People with Disabilities, has concluded for the sixth consecutive year the mixed training and occupation project Raixa 2022, which is included in the programme “SOIB 30 Training and Occupation”. A total of 10 students, all of them over 30 years old, registered as job seekers and with a minimum accredited disability of 33%, have participated in the 2022-2023 edition of the course, which ended this week.

The duration of the programme, which began last October, has been nine months, in which the didactic part has been combined with actual paid work. This has made it possible to put into practice all the knowledge acquired during the training, while at the same time helping to recover the agricultural areas of the publicly managed estate, maintain its gardens in good condition and facilitate the inclusion of the students in the labour market.

This course, which is carried out by the IMAS, started in 2017, has the participation of the SEPE (State Public Employment Service) and is financed by the Balearic Islands Employment Service (SOIB), with a maximum amount of €95,713.53 for this edition.

Specifically, it includes the relevant training to obtain the certificates of professionalism AGAX0208 Auxiliary activities in agriculture (330 hours) and AGAO0108 Auxiliary activities in nurseries, gardens and garden centres (250 hours).

Promoting the social and occupational integration of people with functional diversity is a priority objective for IMAS. In this sense, the insular institution has been developing, since 1991, different projects, initiatives and direct actions of training for employment, with the aim of making it possible for the group of people of job-seeking age to access stable and qualified positions. In addition to the 10 students who have been able to follow the Raixa 2022 course, another 12 people have been trained at the IMAS headquarters in a basic cookery course and the insular institution has arranged 1,407 places in occupational services with a total of 10 entities of the Third Social Sector.