The negotiating table of the state-subsidised school system is held

Jul 29, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Director General for Educational Planning, Organisation and Infrastructures, Ismael Alonso, chaired the negotiating table for the state-subsidised school system, which had been pending since last May. One of the first modifications that have been applied as of today in the aforementioned Committee is that it will change from being an informative body to being an informative and negotiating body with no time limit. Up until now, the concerted school board had a maximum duration of two hours.

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Negotiating table

In the course of the negotiating table of the state-subsidised schools, all the information that the sector demanded has been provided. Representatives of the trade unions USO, STEI, FSIE, UGT and CCOO were present, as well as members of the employers’ associations Escuela Católica, CECE, Cooperativas, CEPIMEM, UNAC and FOQUA.

Response to the demands of state-subsidised schools

Among other issues, the negotiating table of state-subsidised schools addressed the review of educational agreements. The Director General for Educational Planning, Organisation and Infrastructure, Ismael Alonso, reiterated the commitment to treat the charter school as a public educational service and, as such, to provide it with the appropriate resources.

The provision of staff to deal with diversity, the development of improvement agreements in the sector that affect teaching hours, or the provision of educational technical assistants (ATE) in state-subsidised schools, have also been discussed today at the negotiating table of state-subsidised schools.