Approved the appointment of the general director of Tourism, the general director of European Funds and five other general directors in the Balearic Islands.

Jul 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Josep Aloy will head the Directorate General of Tourism; Bárbara Barceló, the Directorate General of European Funds, and José Francisco Reynés, the Directorate General of Housing and Architecture.

\ Francesca Ramis will be the new General Director of Institutional Relations and with the Parliament, and Jaume Porsell, new General Director of Coordination and Transparency.

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General Director

In this way, Josep Aloy Pons has been appointed as the head of the General Directorate of Tourism at the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports. Aloy is a technician in Business Management and Administration, was a civil servant in the Ministry of Education from 1979 to 1994 and then has held various positions in the GOIB, such as director general of Management (1995-1999), director general of Education (1996-1997) and director general of Tourism Management and Planning (2003-2007), in addition to having been mayor of Sencelles from 2003 to 2007. In 2011 he was appointed head of Optional Management of the Tourism Agency of the Balearic Islands (ATB).

Meanwhile, in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation, the Directorate General of European Funds will be headed by Bárbara Barceló Ordinas, who is stepping down as manager of the Public Entity of Radio and Television of the Balearic Islands (EPRTVIB). Barceló has a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and also has extensive experience in the GOIB (where she has been an official of the A1 senior corps of General Services and has held management positions as general treasurer or manager of EPRTVIB) and in large corporations in the tourism industry such as Grupo Barceló, Iberostar and Orizonia.

On the other hand, in the Conselleria de Presidencia y Administraciones Públicas, Francesca Ramis Pons has been appointed general director of Institutional Relations and with the Parliament, and Jaume Porsell Alemany has been appointed general director of Coordination and Transparency.

Ramis is a career civil servant of the CAIB and director of the Inca and Port of Alcúdia offices of the Balearic Islands Employment Service (SOIB), which she directed from 2011 to 2015. She is a councillor in the City Council of Lloseta.

For his part, Porsell is a businessman in the tourism sector, was mayor and councillor of Andratx’s several legislatures and general director of Architecture and Housing (2012-2015).

José Francisco Reynés Sancho (Palma, 1977) has been appointed Director General of Housing and Architecture at the Regional Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility. An architect, he has been a civil servant of the Autonomous Community since 2003 and in his last stage has held the position of head of service of Strategic Projects of the Office of Strategic Investments of the Balearic Islands (OIE). Previously, he also worked as an architect at the Institute of Tourism Strategy of the Balearic Islands (INESTUR) and at the Tax Agency of the Balearic Islands (ATIB), and has held various responsibilities in the General Directorates of Spatial Planning and Coordination of the Government of the Balearic Islands.

In the Conselleria del Mar y del Ciclo del Agua has been appointed the general director of Ports and Maritime Transport, Antonio Mercant Morato; and the general director of Water Resources, Juan Bartolomé Calafat Busquets.