The Consell de Mallorca warns that intervening in underwater archaeological sites is a crime and entails penalties of up to three years in prison

Jul 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition


The service of Historical Heritage reminds us that the objects that are protected have an incalculable patrimonial value and that the damages are irreversible.

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Underwater archaeological sites

The Consell de Mallorca warns the public that it is not allowed to intervene in the island’s underwater archaeological sites. Currently, there are more than 200 distributed along the coast. They represent an essential cultural heritage for the knowledge of the history of Mallorca and are considered Assets of Cultural Interest (BIC), so anyone who takes or moves any of the pieces located underwater faces a crime against historical heritage.

These sites are considered historical and artistic monuments and play a fundamental role in the study of the history of Mallorca. That is why the Consell de Mallorca works in coordination with the Civil Guard, the Navy and fishermen to monitor the areas where there are more remains. The population is asked that, if they see any of these sites or observe how someone interferes in these areas, they should quickly contact the Guardia Civil, who will act at the first moment.

The administrative penalties for this type of crime can reach 60,000 euros and the criminal penalties range from six months to three years imprisonment. In addition, it should be remembered that it is completely forbidden to approach the sites with metal detectors. Only archaeology professionals with authorization can access this type of tool. The destruction of historical information is irreversible and a false step can destroy the work of years.

Two years of imprisonment requested for spoliation in Oporto Cristo

Two technicians from the Consell de Mallorca have participated this week in the trial against a man accused of plundering a site in Porto Cristo two years ago. The diver is accused of taking several pieces of a ship from the 1st century AD. The two experts of the insular institution assure that the pieces were part of the wreck and that it was difficult to detach them, so they affirm that the man proceeded to extract the objects. Now, they regret that the scientific value has been irreversibly altered and could lead to the destruction of the archaeological heritage.