The second payment for the month of July has been paid, in which the autonomous communities have received 10,280 million euros, 1,007 million more than in July last year. Between January and July 2023, they received 7,047 million euros more than in the same period of the previous year.
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The Ministry of Finance and Public Function has delivered a total of 71,958 million euros to the autonomous communities of the common regime and to the cities with Statute of Autonomy until the month of July in the concept of deliveries on account of the autonomous financing system, compared to 64,911 million euros in the same period of the year 2022.
This means that in the course of 2023, these territorial entities have had at their disposal a volume of resources for payments on account 7,047 million Euros higher than the figure they had in the previous year, which represents an increase of 11%.
The payment of the payments on account is made on a monthly basis, through two payments to the autonomous communities of the common regime and Ceuta and Melilla: one at the beginning of the month and the other at the end of the month.
Specifically, in July, these territorial entities received 10,280 million Euros, compared to 9,273 million Euros a year earlier, i.e., 1,007 million Euros more.
The detail of the payments on account made to the different territories during July is as follows:
Payments on account by the Autonomous Communities in July
In this way, the Ministry of Finance and Public Function complies with the regional financing system, which operates by means of payments on account of the tax resources estimated to be received during the fiscal year in respect of Personal Income Tax (the regional rate) and the percentages established by law corresponding to VAT and Special Taxes and which are advanced by the central State.
To these figures, which are the result of the estimation of tax revenues according to the economic forecasts included in the General State Budget for 2023, must be added the payments on account of the Global Sufficiency Fund and the transfer of the Fund for the Guarantee of Fundamental Public Services.
The improvement in the payments on account included in this year’s General State Budget is proof of the Government’s commitment to all the territories, with the aim of enabling them to provide, with excellent quality, the public services of the Welfare State that are within the sphere of their competences.
In total, in 2023, the autonomous communities of the common regime and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla will receive 123,356 million euros as payments on account, a figure that exceeds by more than 12,000 million euros the amount they received in 2022 for this concept.