Social Security processed 231,775 birth and childcare leaves in the first half of the year

Jul 31, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Social Security processed 231,775 birth and childcare benefits in the first six months of 2023, of which 109,731 corresponded to the first parent, usually the mother, and 122,044 to the second parent, usually the father.

Social Security

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Expenditure on the childbirth and childcare benefit between January and June of this year was 1,678.5 million euros. In the same half of 2022, this figure stood at 1,596.5 million, an increase of 5.1%.

The childbirth and childcare benefit, which replaced the former maternity and paternity benefits, came into force on January 1, 2021, and has meant the complete equalization of the two. At present, the leave is 16 weeks for both parents and is recognized as an individual, non-transferable right. Of the 16 weeks, six of them must be taken immediately after the birth or judicial or administrative resolution in cases of adoption, guardianship or foster care. The rest of the time can be taken in successive periods.

The amount of these benefits is equivalent to the contribution base for common contingencies for the month prior to the birth, adoption, guardianship or foster care, and is paid directly by the National Social Security Institute (INSS) during the weeks that the leave lasts.

By autonomous communities, the highest number of birth and childcare benefits was recognized in Andalusia (43,262), Catalonia (41,297), Madrid (39,965) and the Valencian Community (23,909).

The average duration of active childbirth and childcare benefits in the first six months of 2023 was 107.2 days in the case of women and 99.2 days in the case of men. To make this calculation, interrupted periods have been taken into account and the duplicity of files due to moonlighting has been eliminated.

The National Institute of Social Security offers the possibility of applying for the birth benefit telematically, through the portal Tu Seguridad Social (Your Social Security) and through the form.

It is also possible to apply for successive periods of leave for childbirth or child care if the parents choose to divide the period.

Leave of absence to care for a child, foster child or family member
On the other hand, the number of leaves of absence granted in the first half of the year was 24,942, of which 21,089 corresponded to women (84.5%) and 3,853 to men (15.4%).

The number of leaves of absence increased by an average of 45.5% compared to the same period in 2022. Nevertheless, the figure is at levels similar to those of the years prior to the pandemic.

Madrid (5,101), Catalonia (3,717), Andalusia (2,844), Valencia (2,685), and the Basque Country (2,121) are the autonomous communities with the highest number of leaves of absence processed.

All the autonomous communities have registered more leaves of absence than last year. The main increases in the first half of the year were in Cantabria (72.8%), Galicia (68.6%) and the Canary Islands (61.2%).

Workers can request a leave of absence to care for children or foster children or to care for other family members. The first three years of leave of absence to care for a child or foster child are considered an effective contribution period for the purposes of Social Security benefits for retirement, permanent disability, death and survival, maternity and paternity. The first year of leave of absence for the care of other family members is also considered an effective contribution period for the purposes of these benefits.