The Consell de Eivissa closes the fiscal year 2022 with an execution of 129,757,343.04 euros, the highest figure in the history of the institution

Jul 31, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Eivissa closes the fiscal year 2022 with an execution of 129,757,343.04 euros, the highest figure in the history of the institution.

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Consell de Eivissa

The Plenary of the Consell de Eivissa has approved the general account of the institution for the year 2022 which reflects an execution of 129,757,343.04 euros, which means the highest execution figure ever reached in the history of this institution.

The Plenary of the Consell de Eivissa has approved the general account of the institution for the year 2022 which reflects an execution of 129,757,343.04 euros, which means the highest execution figure ever reached in the history of this institution. Also in percentage terms, the execution exceeds 80% with respect to the final appropriations (158,194,990.59 euros), but is much higher than the 112,025,892.51 euros of initial appropriations.

The Councilor of Presidency, Economic Management and Sports, Salvador Losa, explained that “this record execution demonstrates all the work done by this Consell de Eivissa during 2022 and, above all, the will of this government team that the taxes of the citizenship revert in better services and not in making the bank accounts of this institution grow”.

Precisely, in this regard, Councilor Salvador Losa recalled that “in addition to executing the money we have every year, we have been reducing the residual cash of this Consell Insular de Eivissa, which in 2019 exceeded 80 million euros and at the end of 2022 were around 50 million euros.”

Motion approved

On the other hand, the Plenary of the Consell de Eivissa has approved a motion presented by the Mixed Group (UP) to urge the Ministry of Defense to cede the management of the military residence of Eivissa ‘Heroes of the Philippines’ to allocate it in the accommodation of public workers of the State.


Finally, before an interpellation presented by the PSOE in relation to the tourism of excesses, the president of the Consell de Eivissa, Vicent Marí, explained that in 2022 the Consell de Eivissa carried out a total of 36 inspections in the area delimited in the decree 1/2020, of January 17, against the tourism of excesses for the improvement of the quality in tourist zones, which turned into 13 sanctioning files of which 9 were transferred to the Balearic Government without being known if any procedure has been initiated.