Agriculture, Fisheries and Food calls for aid for 11.36 million euros for fishery producer organizations

Aug 5, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, has published the call for aid for the preparation and implementation of production and marketing plans of fishery producer organizations for 2022, as well as for their associations at national and transnational levels.

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The budget for these aids amounts to 11.36 million euros. The aids will be granted on a competitive basis, according to the extract of the call order published in the Official State Gazette, and will be co-financed with the European Maritime Fund for Fisheries (EMFF) with a maximum of 75%, while the remaining 25% corresponds to the ministry. The deadline for submitting applications will be open until August 28.

There are currently 10 recognized producer organizations and two associations of producer organizations of national and transnational scope, which are therefore under the competence of the General Secretariat of Fisheries.

The purpose of the production and marketing plans is to achieve the objectives of the common organization of markets in the sector of fishery and aquaculture products, and their preparation and implementation involve the receipt of aid with an intensity of 90% of the costs incurred by the beneficiaries.

This call highlights the growing prominence of these entities and the support provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which is clearly committed to the undertaking of increasingly ambitious projects, to lead the Spanish fishing sector towards an increasingly sustainable production model. These measures include the development of new facilities, scientific campaigns, the search for new products to improve the utilization of low-value species, the promotion and training of fishermen, the development of new fishing facilities, and the development of new products to improve the utilization of low-value species.