The Tax Agency carried out more than 39,300 control actions in 2022 on large companies and relevant assets.

Aug 5, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

More than 3,400 million in taxable income was regularized after 117 tax audits on the international taxation of large multinationals. 546 million euros of debt has been settled in 1,130 audits carried out on large estates.

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Tax Agency

Total outstanding debt fell by 3.8% to its lowest level in 13 years.

In 2022, 16,675 million Euros were obtained as a result of the control work -15,362 million Euros in homogeneous terms, 2.7% more-, of which 10,536 million Euros correspond to direct income, 16.6% more.

The Agency has reduced negative bases, deductions pending application and quotas to be offset for an amount of 3,860 million, 50% of which correspond to actions of the Central Delegation of Large Taxpayers.