Binissalem welcomes the pilgrims in the 50th edition of the Marcha de Lluc a Peu (March of Lluc a Peu)

Aug 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Binissalem was one of the towns that welcomed the 50th edition of the Lluc a Peu pilgrimage on the 5th of August.

They were welcomed by volunteers along with the third and fourth deputy mayors, Catalina Cortés and Joan Escandell, respectively. Catalina Cortés told us: “It is a very special night that raises awareness of this emblematic route in Mallorca. This pilgrimage to the Virgin of Lluc is a tradition that unites us every year. It is a unique experience that we recommend you do at least once in your life”.


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Catalina Cortés will tell us about the peculiarities of this great night.

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What can you tell us about the history of Lluc a Peu?

The beginning dates back to 1974. A little girl called Rita, who was playing with a siphon in the Bar Güell, suffered an incident with it. The people present agreed that a pilgrimage should be made to the Lluc Monastery to visit the Virgin as a sign of gratitude.

In the first year, there were about 30 participants. A bank popularised the event in subsequent years. Today it has almost 40,000 participants.

What has this 50th edition of the Lluc a Peu walk meant to Catalina Cortés?

It has been a very pleasant experience to be able to greet the pilgrims coming from Palma and its surroundings as well as to give the departure to those who joined from our town. Thank you for your participation in this special evening, along with the volunteers and security forces that have made it possible.