President Galmés foresees that the new Interpretation Center of sa Dragonera will be a reality in 2025

Aug 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, the second vice-president and counsellor of Medi Ambient, Medi Rural I Esports and the mayoress of Andratx has visited the Natural Park to know first hand the facilities and the state in which the projects are.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, visited this Tuesday the facilities of the island of Sa Dragonera, accompanied by the second vice-president and counsellor of Medi Ambient, Medi Rural i Esports, Pedro Bestard; the insular director of Medi Ambient, Lluís Rubí and the mayoress of Andratx, Estefanía Gonzalvo.

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Galmés announced that the project of the new Interpretation Center of Sa Dragonera, which will be located in the public estate of Can Fasser, in Port de Andratx, could be completed in 2025, “thus fulfilling one of the commitments made by the current government team”.

The president explained that the project, which is being worked on by the Consell de Mallorca and the Town Hall of Andratx, is in the drafting phase and, in a few months, will go out to tender. “We unlock an important project that had been paralyzed since 2016,” he said.

Galmés stressed the excellent willingness to collaborate between the different administrations in order to meet the deadlines to implement this Interpretation Center, as well as other planned actions such as the rehabilitation of the current museum located on the island of Sa Dragonera, and other projects that are unfinished or pending execution “to improve one of the great jewels we have on our island”.

For his part, the vice president of Medi Ambient, Medi Rural and Esports, Pedro Bestard, thanked the 13 workers of the Park for their extraordinary task “so that the island is preserved as the environmental paradise of Mallorca”. “We want to preserve sa Dragonera because Mallorca is a paradise and it has to remain so. Because to preserve this natural environment is also to preserve our traditions, is to take care of our family, is to watch over the economy”, he explained.

Pedro Bestard reiterated that “we are not only going to preserve our environmental heritage to the maximum, but we are also going to improve it. It is important that there is good maintenance of all facilities, shelters, farms and trails so that they continue to be the reference they are today.

Finally, the mayoress of Andratx thanked the willingness to collaborate shown by the Consell de Mallorca and stressed the importance that the new Interpretation Center of sa Dragonera will have for the municipality.

“For the Town Hall to rehabilitate Can Fasser is a great step for the municipality. We will make sa Dragonera more accessible and better known for both tourists and residents, giving value to one of our natural wonders. Once the new center is opened, the Town Council plans to carry out actions of collaboration with schools, associations, etc. to give environmental projection, of the patrimony and history of Can Fasser and sa Dragonera”.

New sewage treatment plant in the Natural Park of sa Dragonera

During the tour, the attendees visited the construction works of an autonomous domestic wastewater treatment system that will use part of the renewable energy generated from the photovoltaic system installed in the park in 2021. This project will use the water to create a bird-watching pond. The new treatment plant is scheduled for completion in early 2024.

Museum centre located on the island

The island of sa Dragonera already has a small museum, which is pending rehabilitation, a project that was left deserted in the last legislature. Now, the Consell de Mallorca is going to reactivate it, and in the next few months, it will launch the tender for the drafting contract, which is based on the creation of a modern space for the discovery and dissemination of natural, cultural and heritage values.