Unemployment falls by 10,968 in July to a 15-year low, making a string of five consecutive months of declines

Aug 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The total number of unemployed is the lowest in any month of the year since 2008

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Unemployment falls

Unemployment has fallen by 205,938 in year-on-year terms
Unemployment among women stands at 1,618,484, its lowest in 15 years
Youth unemployment marks a new record low with 184,038 unemployed under 25 years of age
Youth unemployment has been falling for 27 consecutive months in year-on-year terms
The coverage rate rises to 67.2% and is the highest in the last twelve years in the month of July

The number of unemployed persons registered in the offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) at the end of July has dropped by 10,968 (-0.41%) with respect to the previous month, making five months of consecutive decreases.

The total number of unemployed remains below 2.7 million, at 2,677,874 unemployed men and women. This is the lowest figure for any month since 2008.

In year-on-year terms, registered unemployment has fallen by 205,938 people (-7.14%). This percentage decrease reflects a very intense fall given the conditions of stability in which our labour market is moving, in which the effects of the labour reform are consolidated.

Unemployment by economic sector

By economic sectors, with respect to June, registered unemployment fell almost across the board. In Services it is reduced by 7,126 persons (-0.37%), in Agriculture with 1,861 less unemployed (-1.74%), in Industry by 964 persons (-0.45%) and among the Collective Without Previous Employment it decreases by 2,203 persons (-0.89%).

On the other hand, it increased in Construction by 1,186 persons (0.57%).

Unemployment by sex and age

Unemployment fell, especially among women in July, with 5,833 fewer unemployed women (-0.36%) than in the previous month, reaching a total of 1,618,484.

Male unemployment also fell by 5,135 men (-0.48%), to a total of 1,059,390.

Compared to July 2022, female unemployment falls by 109,904 women (-6.36%) and male unemployment falls by 96,034 (-8.31%).

Unemployment among young people under 25 years of age fell in July by 453 persons (-0.25%) compared to the previous month. The total number of unemployed young people is 184,038, the lowest since records have been kept. It has been decreasing in year-on-year terms for 27 consecutive months.

Unemployment by autonomous communities

Registered unemployment fell in 10 autonomous communities, with the sharpest declines in absolute terms occurring in Andalusia (-5,166), the Community of Madrid (-2,926) and Galicia (-1,579).

They rose in the remaining 7 regions, with Catalonia (1,612), the Balearic Islands (854) and the Basque Country (796) leading the way.

In relative terms, unemployment fell, above all, in Asturias (-2.66%), Extremadura (-1.70%) and Cantabria (-1.59%).

Compared to the previous year, the relative falls in unemployment were in the Balearic Islands (-16.65%), Extremadura (-10.25%) and Aragon (-9.98%).

Madrid (-3.32%) and Catalonia (-2.94%) are the communities with the smallest reductions in unemployment.


The total number of contracts registered during July was 1,431,383. Of these, 566,440 are permanent employment contracts, representing 39.57% of all contracts. Before the labour reform, only 8% of this type of contract was signed during this period, on average.

In cumulative terms, 3,992,820 open-ended contracts have been signed up to July 2023, representing an increase of 24,970 (0.63%) over the same period in 2022.

Temporary contracts registered in July 2023 totalled 864,943, 104,580 fewer contracts (-10.79%) than in the same month of the previous year. In cumulative terms, 5,101,389 temporary contracts have been registered in the first seven months, a decrease of 2,158,182 (-29.73%) over the same period of 2022.

Benefits in June

The total number of beneficiaries at the end of June was 1,694,048.

The coverage of the unemployment protection system during the month of June 2023 was 67.18%, which represents an increase of 9.0% with respect to the same month of 2022.

The total investment in benefits in the month of June 2023 amounted to 1,692.7 million euros. This is somewhat lower than in previous months despite the fact that since the beginning of the year the calculation of the benefit has been increased to 60% of the regulatory base.

The average monthly amount per beneficiary, not including the agricultural subsidy of Andalusia and Extremadura, in the month of June 2023 was 1,021.2 euros, which represents an increase over the same month of the previous year of 76.99 euros (8.1%).