The Consell de Govern agrees to the creation of places in the ses Salines and Banyalbufar schools

Aug 7, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ In the municipality of Ses Salines three new classrooms will be created, one for each stage of infant education from 0 to 3 years old, with a total capacity for 37 children.

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Creation of places in the Ses Salines and Banyalbufar schools

\ In Banyalbufar, the creation of the Es Portet nursery school has been agreed upon, which will have a mixed unit with a maximum capacity of 15 school places.

The Consell de Govern has today approved the creation of places for two new municipal nursery schools in the municipalities of Ses Salines and Banyalbufar, which have already been built by the town councils. With this measure, the number of places available in nursery education has increased to a total of 52.

In this way, the Conselleria de Educación y Universidades has authorised the creation of the Escoleta de Infantil (EI) ses Salines, after verifying that the centre complies with all current regulations. The school will have a total of 37 places for 7 children from 0 to 1-year-old, 12 more places in the 1 to 2-year-old classroom and 18 more places in the 2 to 3-year-old unit. This is the maximum capacity of each unit as stated in the current regulations. The centre is municipally owned.

In the case of Banyalbufar, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities has authorised the creation of places in the new incomplete first-cycle municipal school Es Portet. The centre has a single mixed classroom for 1 to 3-year-olds and will have a maximum capacity of 15 school places. It is owned by the Banyalbufar Town Council.