Health defines oral anticoagulation drugs that nursing professionals can indicate, use and authorize

Aug 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Tradition

The Ministry of Health expands the possibilities of indication, use and authorization of dispensing of prescription drugs by nurses with the publication in the Official State Gazette of a new guide on Oral Anticoagulation.

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The objective of these guidelines is to define the drugs, subject to medical prescription, that nursing professionals can indicate, use and authorize their dispensing in certain situations and in a protocolized manner, whether to initiate their use, modify the guideline, extend or suspend treatment, in collaborative and complementary work with the aim of providing an adequate and efficient response to the needs of citizens.

The Oral Anticoagulation Guide, which was unanimously approved by the Standing Committee on Pharmacy, has been agreed by the Ministry of Health with the General Council of Nursing and the Collegiate Medical Organization, among other representatives of healthcare professionals.

This is the fifth guide for the indication, use and authorization of dispensing of prescription drugs by nurses. Previously, the Ministry of Health has published guides for Nursing in cases of Wounds, Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2, Burns and Ostomies. The Ministry of Health will continue to work on the approval of new texts to guide nursing action with respect to medications in the second half of the year.

Indications for clinical practice and care

The aim is to provide nursing professionals with a series of clinical practice and care guidelines for the indication of drugs by nurses in different care processes, with the aim of improving healthcare in the National Health System (SNS).

These guidelines are framed within the development framework established in Royal Decree (RD) 954/2015, of October 23, which regulates the indication, use and authorization of dispensing of medicines and medical devices for human use by nurses and nurses, as well as the modifications made by RD 1302/2018 of October 22.