The participatory process to present the candidatures for the Premis, Honors and Distinctions of the Consell de Mallorca is opened

Aug 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

From the 8th to the 22nd of August the citizens and the town councils can support their candidacies.

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Premis, Honors and Distinctions of the Consell de Mallorca

The Consell de Mallorca opens tomorrow the participative process to present the candidacies to the honours and distinctions of the institution. Until August 22, the citizenship and the town councils of the island can give support to their candidacies by presenting them in the form that has been enabled on the web page of the insular institution:

The Premis, Honors and Distinctions of the Consell de Mallorca aim to recognize the work that people and entities have done or are doing for the benefit of Mallorca and its citizens.

The honorary distinctions are the Medal of Honor and Gratitude of the Island of Mallorca, Favorite Daughter or Favorite Son of the Island of Mallorca, Adopted Daughter or Adoptive Son of the Island of Mallorca, Diploma of Honorary Services and Jaime II Awards.