The water reserves of the Balearic Islands are at 55% of their capacity, 6 points higher than last summer.

Aug 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In Mallorca and Menorca they remain 10% above the previous year’s data

Water reserves

The water reserves of the Balearic Islands are at 55% of their capacity in July, 6 points more than the same month last year, with 49%. By islands, in Mallorca and Menorca the evolution of water reserves increased by almost 10%. Specifically, Mallorca rises from 49% to 56%, compared to July 2022, and Menorca from 43% to 51%. In the case of Eivissa, it is the only island that suffers a drop in reserves from 55% to 40%.

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In the last month, 8 Demand Units decreased: Menorca, Artà, Manacor-Felanitx, Migjorn, Palma-Alcúdia, Tramuntana Nord, Tramuntana Sud and Eivissa. UD es Pla remains and UD Formentera moves up. It should also be noted that, from July 2023, the drought index of Formentera is obtained from the meteorological drought index SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Index) calculated by the AEMET. The most significant decreases are those of the Units of Menorca, Manacor-Felanitx, Migjorn, Tramuntana Nord, Tramuntana Sud and Eivissa. Only 2 DU (Artà and Formentera), representing 6.3% of the territory, are in a NORMAL situation (above 0.5). Almost all the territory (93.7%) is in a PREALERT situation.

As for the Demand Units, the same scenario as last month is maintained. The 7 Demand Units, Menorca, Artà, Manacor-Felanitx, Palma-Alcúdia, Tramuntana Nord, Tramuntana Sur and Formentera, are in a NORMAL scenario, while the 3 remaining Demand Units, Migjorn, es Pla and Eivissa, are in PREALERT.

According to AEMET data, rainfall for the month has been scarce in all the islands, 1.6 l/m² vs. 5.2 l/m² of the historical average (69% less). By islands: in Mallorca 1.9 l/m² vs 5.7 l/m², in Menorca 0.8 l/m² vs 5.1 l/m², in Eivissa according to the data of the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia, it has been an extremely warm month in the Balearic Islands with an average temperature of 27.3 °C and an anomaly of 2.4 °C. There have been absolute records of temperatures and high minimum temperatures in many stations of the islands.

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