The campaign of the IGP Aceite de Ibiza already exceeds 230,000 kilos of olive collected and more than 33,000 litres of oil produced

Nov 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment, Joan Simonet, together with the General Director of Agrifood Quality and Local Product, Joan Llabrés, visited the Sant Joan olive mill this morning.

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The campaign of the IGP Aceite de Ibiza

The councillor Joan Simonet visited this morning the Sant Joan olive mill in Ibiza to see first-hand how the extra virgin olive harvesting campaign is progressing under the IGP Aceite de Ibiza. Together with the general director of Agrifood Quality and Local Product, Joan Llabrés; the island director of Rural and Marine Environment of the Consell de Eivissa, Joan Marí, and the deputy mayor, Joan Busquets, have been able to verify that the production data of this 2023 are much better than those of 2022. “This is due to two factors. The first has been the weather, which has favoured the cultivation of olive groves. And the second is that it has coincided, in addition, with a good productive cycle of the tree,” said Simonet.

The president of the IGP Aceite de Ibiza, Mariano Tur, has been in charge of making the visit and explaining to the counsellor and the general director that in this campaign -although it has not ended- 235,928 kilos of virgin olive have been collected so far, which represents an increase of 37% compared to 2022. In addition, according to data from the Protected Geographical Indication Aceite de Ibiza, 33,503 litres of oil have been produced, 22% more than the previous campaign.

It should be remembered that the Aceite de Ibiza PGI is reserved exclusively for extra virgin olive oils made from the Arbequina, Picual and Koroneiki varieties, alone or in combination, which together account for at least 90% of the production. The remaining 10% may come from other varieties registered in the register of commercial varieties.

In this sense, the number of olive trees that are part of it is 55,201, and occupy an area of 218.75 hectares.