The Unitat de Conductes Adictives of IMAS receives an award for its work in mental health and addictions

Nov 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Spanish Scientific Society of Studies on Alcohol, Alcoholism and Other Drug Addictions has awarded it the “Best Clinical Case”.

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The Unitat de Conductes Adictives of IMAS

The Addictive Behavior Care Section of the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS) has obtained national recognition for “Best Clinical Case” during the 24th Autumn School of the Spanish Scientific Society of Studies on Alcohol, Alcoholism and Other Drug Addictions, a training and informative event of reference for professionals working in the field of addictions throughout Spain, which this year was held in Santiago de Compostela.

“It is a source of pride that the work carried out daily by our professionals is valued so positively by both users and colleagues,” said the president of IMAS, Guillermo Sanchez.

Professionals from the IMAS Addictive Behavior Units (UCA) presented two clinical cases and the respective methodologies applied. The winner was a case of dual pathology with borderline personality disorder and opiate addiction, with a history of toxic and dependent affective relationships, presence of gender violence and indicators compatible with a traumatic situation. The jury valued the complexity of the clinical symptomatology, the objectives achieved, the methodology and the results of the interdisciplinary intervention carried out.

The intervention plan achieved the objective of maintaining the patient’s stability and healthy lifestyle, with supervision and adjustment of pharmacological treatment. It also contemplated psychological objectives such as achieving good adherence to treatment and a good therapeutic bond, helping to understand the pathology, accompanying the user in the identification and emotional management and promoting increased feelings of self-esteem.

The IMAS Addictive Behavior Units (UCA) offer comprehensive outpatient care to people with addiction problems to various substances and their families from a medical and psychosocial approach. The UCA staff is divided into five interdisciplinary teams that attend to the foreign part of Mallorca.

In 2022, its professionals attended 1,849 people with addiction problems to alcohol, prescription opiates, heroin, cocaine, cannabis or synthetic drugs. Also pathological gambling, new technologies or sex, among others.
The recognition obtained in Galicia has made it possible to disseminate and highlight the model and the care work based on scientific evidence carried out by these five UCAs while contributing to the development of scientific and technical knowledge in the care of addictive behaviours.