Unemployment rose by 36,936 in October to 2,759,404, the lowest figure for this month since 2007

Nov 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Unemployment increased by 36,936 people in October and stands at 2,759,404, the lowest figure for this month since 2007.

The number of unemployed persons registered in the offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), at the end of October, increased by 36,936 persons (1.36%) in October with respect to the previous month.

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Unemployment rose by 36,936 in October to 2,759,404

This increase is more moderate than usual in a month, that of October, in which new people enter the labour market and in which both the active and employed population in Spain are at historic highs.

Registered unemployment fell by 155,488 persons (-5.33%) with respect to the same month of the previous year. In seasonally adjusted terms, registered unemployment fell by 6,883 people.

The total stood at 2,759,404 people, the lowest figure for this month since 2007.

Unemployment by sector
By economic sectors with respect to September, registered unemployment decreased in the Construction sector by 813 persons (-0.39%).

It increases in Services by 31,281 persons (1.61%), Industry by 2,418 persons (1.13%) and Agriculture by 2,122 (2.13%). Among the groups without previous employment, unemployment increased by 1,928 persons (0.77%).

Unemployment by sex and age
Female unemployment has increased by 20,192 women (1.23%) compared to September and stands at 1,661,055, the lowest figure since 2008.

Male unemployment also rose by 16,744 men (1.55%) to a total of 1,098,349.

Compared to October 2022, female unemployment fell by 85,703 women (-4.91%) and male unemployment fell by 69,785 (-5.97%).

Unemployment among young people under 25 years of age increased in October by 6,567 people (3.20%) compared to the previous month.

This is the lowest number of unemployed men and women under 25 years of age in an October in the historical series.

Unemployment by autonomous community
Unemployment registered in October of this year increased in practically all of the autonomous communities. The largest increases in absolute terms were recorded in Andalusia (7,401 persons), Castile-La Mancha (4,266 persons) and Catalonia (4,261 persons).

Compared to October 2022, registered unemployment fell in all the autonomous communities.

The total number of contracts registered during the month of October was 1,396,514.

In October 2023, 608,769 employment contracts of an indefinite nature were registered, representing 43.59% of all contracts.

September benefits
The number of beneficiaries at the end of the month was 1,687,270, similar to the same month of the previous year.

The unemployment benefit coverage rate stood at 66.1%, the highest since 2011.

The average monthly expenditure per beneficiary, excluding the agricultural subsidy in Andalusia and Extremadura, in September 2023 was 1,099.6 euros, which represents an increase of 72.00 euros (7.0%) over the same month of the previous year.

Total expenses for September 2023 amounted to €1,811.5 million.