President Prohens presents the new tourism strategy of the Government to position the Balearic Islands as a cultural and sports destination and to move towards deseasonalization

Nov 7, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Prohens commented that “the conservation and preservation of our environment and our commitment to sustainability and the circularity of our tourism sector add value to our proposal”.

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President Prohens

At a press conference during the World Travel Market 2023, the President of the Government, Marga Prohens, together with the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzà, unveiled the new tourism strategy for the archipelago.

The Minister of Tourism has highlighted before the British media the trinomial tourism, culture and sports as the axis of tourism promotion at the international level, “with culture and sport playing a fundamental role in this effort. Thus, he stressed “this synergy as a natural progression to continue to enhance the offer of the archipelago beyond the sun and beach”.

The promotion of cultural and sports tourism is, in this way, an optimal way to attract tourists in the low season, thus distributing visitors throughout the year. In this sense, President Prohens commented that “the conservation and preservation of our environment and our commitment to sustainability and the circularity of our tourism sector add value to our proposal”.

During the press conference, which was also attended by the presidents of the island councils of the four islands, the upcoming novelties of the Balearic cultural offer were shared. Among them, the Caja de Música, the new headquarters of the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands, which will open in Palma before 2025 or the opening of the Lonja de Palma, as “an impressive Gothic space for art exhibitions”.

A new approach

Prohens has also presented the modernization of its tourism planning through a new tourism law, which will put the spotlight on catering and broader destination offerings, in addition to accommodation.