Inca presents the events of the big week of Dijous Bo

Nov 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The great fair of Mallorca will have more than 8 km of exhibition and 300 stalls.

The Plaza del Ganado has been the scene this year of the presentation of the programming of the big week of Inca, the big week of Dijous Bo. The Mayor of Inca, Virgili Moreno, and the councillor of Dijous Bo, Maria José Fernández, accompanied by other members of the consistory and representatives of associations and local entities, today unveiled the program with all the events that take place term in the capital of Raiguer on the occasion of the great Fair of Mallorca.

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Dijous Bo

“We have ahead of us a week full of events and activities, which give us, again, the opportunity to show the thousands of people who visit us all they can offer and what makes up the identity inquiry. From the City Council, we encourage everyone to come to Inca and enjoy the fair of fairs; and thus contribute to enlarging the Dijous Bo,” said Mayor Moreno.

For her part, Councilwoman Fernandez wanted to send a message of thanks to all the people who participated and made Dijous Bo possible. “From the City Council we lead the organization of Dijous Bo, but behind we have associations, entities, clubs and many people who actively contribute to make possible the great Fira de Mallorca. Thank you for your involvement and collaboration”, highlights María José.

Thus, the Semana Gran del Dijous Bo begins the Friday before with the proclamation that gives his to the festivities, by Joan Rosselló Corró. Then, during the weekend before Dijous Bo, the festivity of Santa María la Mayor, the co-patron saint of Inca, is celebrated. These days are celebrated the traditional bonfires of the verbena and events already consolidated as the correfoc Inc’Fern, the Vermut Fest or the Rally Dijous Bo. On the other hand, the Dijous Bo Awards ceremony takes place on Tuesday, November 14 at the Teatro Principal of Inca.

The farmer’s market will be one more year the great protagonist of Wednesday and Dijous Bo with hundreds of stalls and kilometres of exposure, which will be open from Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. In addition, there will also be a livestock exhibition, an exhibition of vehicles, trucks, heavy machinery and agricultural machinery, a philatelic exhibition, a plastic arts contest and many more activities.

The complete program of Thursday Bo 2023 can be consulted here:

Finally, it should be noted that the presentation of the Dijous Bo 2023 program has been held in the Plaza del Bestiar, taking advantage of the fact that the promotional poster features a black pig. On the other hand, this year also celebrates the XXX Morphological Contest of Pig Negre Mallorquí.

During the presentation, the City Council had a collaboration of producers inquers Cas Sereno, Casa Capellana, S’Hort de Can Blai and Can Company; who have made a small tasting of local products, to give even more prominence to the black pig.