More than 60 groups of secondary and vocational training will be trained in entrepreneurship with iemprènjove

Nov 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The IDI program will have awards to reward the best business projects.

A total of 62 secondary and vocational training groups from 37 schools in the Balearic Islands will participate this year in iemprènjove, the space to promote and support entrepreneurship launched by the IDI (Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands). The objective is that students become entrepreneurs and create and manage their own businesses. The program is promoted by the Conselleria de Empresa, Empleo y Energía, and the Conselleria de Educación y Universidades, and is managed by the IDI.

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60 groups of secondary and vocational training

iemprènjove will consist of three different programs, depending on the educational stage:

JES (Jóvenes Emprendedores de Secundaria): aimed at secondary school students, who create a cooperative to develop a business idea that raises awareness about climate change, drives a change in society, or finds technological solutions to problems detected in the immediate environment.
JEA (Young Associated Entrepreneurs): aimed at students in basic vocational training, which simulates the creation, organization and management of a business activity connected to the education system.

JEP (Young Professional Entrepreneurs): aimed at intermediate and higher vocational training students, who create and manage a company based on an innovative idea that they will have to develop throughout the school year.
The program with the most participants is JEP, with 30 groups from Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. JES has 17 groups from Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza, and JEA has 15 from Mallorca and Ibiza.

All participating projects will be eligible to apply for the iemprènjove Awards, which recognize the effort made throughout the course, encourage the ability to do teamwork and give visibility to iemprènjove business ideas. Each program will consist of one prize of €1,000, two-second prizes of €500, and four runners-up prizes of €250. The awards will be presented during the month of April.