The government will dedicate 60 million euros to the improvement of tourist areas and the promotion of circularity in the tourism sector.

Nov 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The government will publish in early December a call for grants to finance actions to improve competitiveness and adaptation of the territory in the tourism sector, aimed at municipalities and councils.

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60 million euros to the improvement of tourist areas

This was announced by the president of the Government, Margalida Prohens, at the meeting with the media present at the World Travel Market in London held today, where she commented that these are actions “aimed at improving our islands as a tourist destination, and the deseasonalization”.

These funds, from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), specifically from the package of measures to promote tourism resilience strategies for extra-peninsular territories, will be allocated to lines of subsidies for local entities -municipalities and councils-, their institutional public sector or the private sector for the purposes established in the tourism resilience strategy, and to the improvement of saturated and mature areas through the purchase of tourist accommodation establishments and regeneration and renaturalization projects in tourist areas.

The amount allocated to the call for proposals is 60,488,033 €, divided into two projects, one of 44,500,000 € and the other of 15,988,033 €.

Any local entity wishing to carry out an action on public infrastructures, with special attention to the improvement of the attractiveness of public spaces to promote tourism, environmental management and waste treatment, and the promotion of sustainable mobility, as well as the requalification of obsolete tourist infrastructure, may apply for the first item.

The reinforcement of public services in areas of special tourist influence and training linked to the tourism sector will also be subsidized. The creation of incentives to facilitate connectivity and for tourist companies to operate outside the high season, and the promotion as a tourist destination of historical and cultural interest will also be taken into account.

The call for subsidies contemplates a maximum of five applications per local entity and a maximum to be granted of ten million euros.

Improvement of mature areas

The President of the Government also presented the second action program, aimed at improving saturated and mature areas through the purchase of tourist accommodation establishments, projects for the regeneration and renaturalization of tourist areas and incentives for the reduction of obsolete or low-quality tourist accommodation places. In this way, “we are clearly committed to increasing the quality of these tourist areas of our islands”.

The call, whose publication is scheduled for early December, will have a deadline for submitting applications until September 30, 2024, or when the available credit is exhausted.

Deadline for implementation

The deadline for execution has been set at December 31, 2024, although already executed actions may be submitted as long as they are expenses after December 30, 2022.

In this regard, Prohens recalled that, given the small margin of execution and the concern that the projects can not be carried out in time, the Government has asked the Secretary of State for Tourism to extend the lines of aid related to tourism until the end of 2026. In this way, the president has assured that “these investments represent an injection that we want to take advantage of for our tourist areas and we want the execution deadlines not to make us lose a single euro”.