Consumo penalizes 30 gambling operators for serious or very serious infringements in the first half of 2023

Nov 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The General Directorate of Gaming Regulation closes 14 web portals and imposes fines for a total value of more than 71 million euros.

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has published the sanctions for serious or very serious infringements that it has firmly communicated to 30 operators of the online betting and gambling sector in Spain in the first semester of 2023. The total of the fines amounts to 71,433,000 million euros.

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Consumo penalizes 30 gambling operators

Of the 30 resolutions issued by the Directorate General for Gaming Regulation (DGOJ), 15 have been for very serious infringements. Of these, 14 have entailed the disqualification of the operators for a period of two years.

In accordance with the penalties established in the Gaming Regulation Law (LRJ) for this type of infringement, most of the operators have been punished with fines of 5 million euros each, which means a total amount in this chapter of more than 70 million euros.

The DGOJ has also detected serious infringements in another 15 operators in the online betting and gaming sector during the first six months of 2023. In these cases, the fines amount, in total, to €1,333,000.

As a result of the latest amendment to the LRJ, which establishes that serious and very serious infringements that are final in administrative proceedings will be published on the DGOJ’s website, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs has made public the sanctioning resolutions that have become final since July 2021.

Since then, the number of sanctions published amounted to 122 (19, in the second half of 2021; 73, in 2022; and 30 in the first half of 2023) and has imposed fines for a total value of more than €252 million.